How to Achieve Weight Loss with Kettlebells and Start Building Muscle

A dedicated kettlebell training regimen is one of the best ways to shed pounds and build muscle mass. If you’re wondering how you can reach your goal weight and become healthier with kettlebell workouts, you’ve come to the right place! This article breaks down everything you need to know to start losing weight and building […]

Reasons to Consider Alternatives to Running

Overall Benefits of Cardio Cardio has been a primary focus in exercise for as long as most can remember! More than just helping you lose weight and build muscle, cardio has some profound health benefits that impact longevity and overall wellness. Some of the many benefits of cardiovascular exercise include: Situations where running might not […]

Dumbbell Press vs. Bench Press

If you aim to build strength and muscle in your upper body, two gold-standard exercises may come to mind: the dumbbell and bench press. They are similar, targeting the chest and arms, but they perform differently. Let’s look at each press method’s breakdown so you can better understand. Key Takeaways Understand the Art of the […]

33 Kettlebell Swing Variations: From Basic to Advanced Techniques

When becoming familiar with kettlebells, beginning with the three primary movement patterns will help you get your start. You have to be able to press, row, hinge at the hips, squat, and rotate your body. When starting out, you will need to resist unwanted rotation. Take your time mastering the basics and move into the […]

Dumbbells vs Resistance Bands: Which One Is Better for Building Muscle?

Looking to level up your strength training routine by adding a new piece of fitness equipment? Have it narrowed it down to resistance bands or a pair of dumbbells? How do you decide which is better for you?  There are three primary factors to consider when deciding: your level of experience in strength training, your […]

Introduction to the Best Dumbbell Exercises for Weight Loss

When people try to lose weight, they sometimes believe they must run 8 miles a day, seven days a week, while only drinking protein shakes. Cardio is a great way to kick-start weight loss, but we need to remember the benefits of weight training when attaining our weight loss goals on our fitness journeys. The […]

Introduction to Full-Body Kettlebell Workouts

Overview of Kettlebell Benefits Kettlebells have become a staple in gyms around the world for a good reason. Unlike barbells and dumbbells, kettlebells are beneficial in weight training because they force you to contribute work between both sides of your body. They use all your stabilizer muscles to control the movement or swings of the […]

Forearm Workouts with Dumbbells

If you want to strengthen your forearms, consider forearm workouts with dumbbells! Using dumbbells to strengthen your forearms will provide increased forearm strength and better grip strength and can also help prevent injuries. In addition to building strength and muscle mass, many functional benefits come with upper body strength – not to mention the aesthetic […]

How to Sustain Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution

Plan Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution It’s almost that time of year again! The time of year when everyone vows to hit the gym more, eat right, and put their phone down more often. Setting a resolution is sometimes for naught but can often inspire real change. When it comes to setting a resolution, what […]

Your Guide to a Great Holiday Workout

Maintain Muscle Mass & Tone Over the Holiday When you think about the holidays, what comes to mind? Some of our biggest associations with the holiday season have to do with food and drinking, from Halloween candy to a Thanksgiving spread. Not to mention Christmas cookies, latkes, and eggnog! It’s easy to go overboard with […]