Full Body Dumbbell and Bench Workout

Choosing a full-body dumbbell and bench workout has major transformation advantages. This comprehensive workout choice offers a versatile routine that fires every muscle group while improving functional strength balance and sparks a higher caloric burn. Let’s explore these tips and benefits, showcasing how this workout can help you reach your fitness goals!

Key Takeaways

  • Using a bench and dumbbells for your full-body workout promotes versatility, improves core stability, increases range of motion, and is an element of safety.
  • A full-body workout using dumbbells and a bench will allow you to target muscles worked during your full-body routine.
  • Combining a bench and dumbbells for your full-body workout will allow you to be adaptable and flexible in building muscle.

Why Dumbbells?

Benefits of Adding a Bench to Your Dumbbell Exercises

A fitness bench is a versatile tool that provides an efficient and effective full-body workout. Using a fitness bench in your workout routine can enhance strength, improve muscle definition, and contribute to overall wellness. Let’s discuss some benefits of using a fitness bench with your dumbbell exercises.

  1. Versatility: When you use a fitness bench with your upper-body dumbbell workout, you can perform a vast range of exercises that target many muscle groups, including arms and shoulder muscles, abs, back, chest, and more. Fitness benches are commonly used for exercises like chest presses, weighted step-ups, weighted crunches, and dumbbell rows. The options are endless.
  2. Increased Range of Motion: Using a bench in your full-body workout can help you improve your range of motion during exercise. You will notice this, especially for movements like a chest press or dumbbell rows. This increased range of motion allows you to achieve deeper muscle penetration, and we’ll lead to increased muscle growth over time.
  3. Improved Core Stability: When you choose a bench for your full-body workout, you will notice that you are engaging your core without thinking about it. Engaging your core while using a bench will help provide stabilization protecting your body during the workout. Leading to improved core strength and stability over time. In addition, this can benefit your overall fitness level and athleticism.
  4. Safety: Fitness benches provide a stable and controlled place for performing exercises, particularly dumbbells. Fitness benches can help ensure correct form and reduce the risk of injury, especially when using heavier dumbbells. 
  5. Targeted Muscle Work: Using a fitness bench will allow you to isolate specific muscle groups effectively, making a bench workout an excellent option for both full-body workouts and targeted strength training sessions.
  6. Adaptability: Many fitness benches can be adjusted. Allowing you to change the incline or decline, adding variety to your workout and targeting muscles from different angles.

How Dumbbells Target Muscle Groups

Dumbbells are a powerhouse tool in any full-body workout. They are an effective and efficient way to Target and engage multiple muscle groups in one workout session. Dumbbells offer a comprehensive way to stimulate muscle growth, improve strength, enhance balance and coordination, and boost your fitness level. When incorporated into a full-body workout, dumbbells are great equipment for beginners starting their fitness journeys; or advanced athletes looking to diversify training. Dumbbells are truly a valuable addition to any Fitness routine.

Full Body Dumbbell and Bench Exercises

Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Shoulder Workout)

  • Sit on the bench with your back straight and feet planted firmly on the floor.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level with your elbows bent and palms facing forward.
  • Push the dumbbells up until your arms are fully extended overhead.
  • Lower the dumbbells back to shoulder level in a controlled manner to complete one repetition.

Incline Chest Press (Chest Workout)

  • Adjust the bench to an incline position.
  • Sit on the bench with your feet planted on the ground, leaning back to rest your back on the incline.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand at chest level with your elbows out to the sides and palms facing forward.
  • Push the dumbbells up and slightly inwards until your arms are fully extended.
  • Lower the dumbbells back to chest level in a controlled manner to complete one repetition.

Single Arm Row (Back Workout)

  • Place one knee and the same-side hand on the bench, forming a straight line from your head to your tailbone.
  • Hold a dumbbell in your free hand with your palm facing inwards and extend your arm towards the ground.
  • Pull the dumbbell up towards your torso, keeping your elbow close to your body.
  • Lower the dumbbell back down in a controlled manner to complete one repetition.
  • Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch sides.

Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curl (Biceps Workout)

  • Sit on the bench with your back straight and your feet on the ground.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms fully extended and palms facing forward.
  • Curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders, keeping your elbows stationary.
  • Lower the dumbbells back down in a controlled manner to complete one repetition.

French Press (Triceps Workout)

  • Sit on the bench with a dumbbell held by both hands overhead, arms fully extended.
  • Bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head, keeping your upper arms stationary.
  • Extend your arms to raise the dumbbell back overhead to complete one repetition.

Dumbbell Leg Curl (Leg Workout)

  • Position yourself face-down on the bench with your knees at the edge of the bench.
  • Hold a dumbbell between your feet, or use a dumbbell ankle strap.
  • Bend your knees to curl the dumbbell towards your glutes, keeping your hips against the bench.
  • Lower the dumbbell back down in a controlled manner to complete one repetition.

Full Body Workout Overview

We’ve prepared an advanced full-body workout for you, incorporating the above-mentioned exercises. As a rare breed athlete, you’ll likely be able to handle more stats and heavier weight but remember it’s essential to prioritize form over repetitions. Always warm up before starting your workout, and remember to cool down afterward. It’s okay to push yourself but always be mindful of your body signals. If something feels off, don’t push through the pain. You can easily modify or skip to the next exercise. Be sure to hydrate and fuel your body correctly for optimal performance and recovery.

Free Dumbbell & Bench Workout

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

4 sets of 12 reps

Take a 60-second rest between sets

Weight range should be medium to heavy.

Incline Chest Press

4 sets of 12 reps

Take a 60-second rest between sets

Weight range should be medium to heavy.

Single Arm Row

4 sets of 12 reps per arm

Take a 60-second rest between sets

Weight range should be medium to heavy.

Seated Dumbbell Bicep Curl

4 sets of 15 reps

Take a 60-second rest between sets

Weight range should be medium to heavy.

French Press

4 sets of 15 reps

Take a 60-second rest between sets

Weight range should be medium to heavy.

Dumbbell Leg Curl

4 sets of 15 reps

Take a 60-second rest between sets

Weight range should be heavy.

Cool Down

Static stretches targeting the full-body

Now that you know all about using a bench and dumbbells for the perfect full-body workout, discover the impressive power of integrating Hampton Fitness Products into your program. Our extensive range of meticulously crafted equipment designed for unparalleled versatility lets you target and sculpt every muscle for an effective total body workout.

Whether you are a beginner eager to jump-start your fitness routine or an experienced Rare Breed athlete looking to intensify your training, our dumbbells and benches provide the ultimate flexibility. They will enhance your range of motion, boost your ability, help you overcome muscle imbalances, and ensure consistent progress through progressive overload as long as you are consistent with your workouts.

We are always here to offer you robust tools for elevating your workout and achieving your goals. Check our extensive collection of dumbbells and benches today. Embrace the joy of training with robust equipment designed for longevity and optimal performance.